LICI Board Appoints New Culture Fusion Festival Boss!
LICI Board Appoints New Culture Fusion Festival Coordinator!
2022 Cultural Fusion festival has a new coordinator. Liberians in Columbus, INC. is proud to announce Ms. Tendako Mopeh-Thomas. As an advocate for our community, she served in several distinct roles for the past 10 plus years. She led the Ways and Means Committee, served as a board member, and is a permanent supporter of many nonprofit organizations in the City of Columbus.
It is with
great excitement we welcome Ms. Mopeh-Thomas to the Cultural Fusion Festival team. According to Mr. Alpha Tongor, acting director of LICI, Ms. Mopeh-Thomas’ expertise in organizing and executing events will be a great asset to the Cultural Fusion Festival. This year, the Cultural Fusion Festival is looking to reach more communities across central Ohio, creating partnerships, highlighting sponsorships, and showcasing businesses and non-profits organizations in the community.
The Culture Fusion Festival was established in 2018 and works with community groups, neighborhood residents,
the city, and private vendors to create a safe and peaceful event for the entire community. Our goal is to bridge community gaps, nurture collaboration through safe, friendly, sustainable practices, initiate community involvement and engagement opportunities, and promote a more unified, tolerant, and equitable community. Liberians in Columbus, Inc (LICI)
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is the Culture Fusion Festival’s leading planning and governing body; however, it is open to anyone. If you would like to volunteer, contact us at
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